Tipping Point Recovery
Contact Information
Phone: 978-394-7788
Email: hello@tippingpointrecovery.com
Website: https://tippingpointrecovery.com/
Tipping Point™ Recovery’s mission is to help every family we meet to be educated to skillfully and confidently navigate the fractured addiction treatment system, to become grounded in recovery-possibility for their loved one, and to be empowered to take a stand and make recovery-oriented decisions, creating the best chance of success for their loved one.
We offer a full range of services to meet the needs of many families which includes a 4 part introductory program.
Stop the Chaos: An Introduction to Recovery Conversations™
A 30-day experience, our introductory program teaches the foundational principles of our Recovery Conversations™ Model and gives you actions to take RIGHT NOW to stop the chaos in your family’s lives. The training includes video lessons, tools & resources, and a private online community where you can connect with and receive support from others on a similar path. As well, you will receive guidance from graduates of our program, Family Recovery Ambassadors, as you move through the material.
Member Community
This private, year-long membership gives you access to our full 12-week Recovery Conversations™ Intensive training, including expert content along with monthly live calls and a private group forum for continuous education, community, and support. This content, which is not available anywhere else, holds the key to knowing what to do to navigate the complexities to provide real help for those who struggle with mental health and addiction issues.
Private Services
Our private services, which include Family System Case Management and Intervention, are custom-designed for you and your loved one to access a long-term solution, prevent relapse, and/or initiate recovery for the first time.