What does recovery mean to you?
Everything… without it, I have nothing!
What does recovery look like to you?
A way of actually living life and having a purpose.
What is something you do for yourself in your recovery?
Get up before anything to do on awakening, meditate, prayer. Pause throughout the day to take in even the little God has done in my life. Retirement and prayer every night without fail.
What is something you do for others in recovery?
Service work. In AA and for Oxford. Work with my sponsee
Advice you’d give to someone new in recovery?
Take suggestions even if you don’t understand them at the moment. Be honest, open, and willing. Thoroughly complete the 12 steps before ever giving up. Get to work with others and watch the magic happen.
What’s your favorite hobby in sobriety?
The gym
Anything else you’d like to share or add?
Thank you. Just being nominated is an honor.